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Independent smoke alarm has what state?

Time: 2014-04-21 View: 4393

Independent smoke alarm is also called independent smoke, household smoke alarm, fire alarm is a most often used in the home, can smoke concentration and real-time monitoring of the indoor environment, when the concentration reaches a threshold will send out sound and light alarm. Common independent smoke alarm has the following kinds of state.

Working state independent smoke alarm

The smoke alarm is installed, in normal working state after the power is switched on, the indicating exhibit of lanterns remain slow flash, or blinking every 40 seconds, no sound alarm.

Independent smoke alarm test condition

A test button alarm, press down after the LED exhibit of lanterns stays on, and the alarm will sound. Loosen the test button, indicator light flashes back to slow state under normal working condition. The average family requires a fixed time to test the alarm, to test whether the normal work.

Independent smoke alarm state

When the smoke concentration exceed the standard, the alarm can send out sound and light alarm. The LED indicator light will flash slowly into a quick flash by, keep the bright state after 5 seconds, and sounds an alarm, restore to normal levels until the smoke concentration.

Independent smoke alarm undervoltage condition

We know, independent smoke is a battery powered, after long use, low battery alarm every 50 seconds, will issue a "beep" prompt tone, not mistaken for fire alarm, also do not think alarm fault, please replace the battery.
