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The development trend of the Internet of things

Time: 2019-03-19 View: 2048
    As the prices of iot devices and infrastructure continue to fall, companies are increasingly using iot devices of all kinds. This also means that enterprises need to pay more attention to the security of the Internet of things.
The Internet of things is no longer the technology of the future. It has become the foundation and pillar of today´s data-driven economy. With the arrival of 5G, mobile devices´ access to the Internet of things network will increase significantly, and more and more iot data will be in the hands of more people. For technicians, iot specialization data is very important, but for non-technicians, more iot derivative data will be available in 2019. Mobile devices represented by smart phones will make everyone become a connection point in the society of Internet of things, so as to share the convenience of the society of Internet of things. In the future, the development of the Internet of things will shift more to the processing technology that makes better use of the data collected, instead of focusing on the Internet of things technology itself. When everyone and every device is connected to a large network, there will be more connections among people, between people and devices, and between devices, which also means endless new opportunities and possibilities.
In 2019, we will see major advances in new iot technologies brought about by artificial intelligence. As more and more enterprises use iot devices and technologies, the amount of data collected increases exponentially, and the traditional computing methods can no longer meet the needs of data processing. AI can fill the gap between data collection and data analysis. In addition, AI can achieve better image processing and video analysis, and create more application scenarios and business opportunities. It makes more sense for companies to invest in artificial intelligence than more sensors.
The popularity of smart phones has a direct impact on the popularity of the Internet of things. Falling costs for mobile connectivity, sensors, navigation chips and the rapid miniaturization of components will make smartphones more powerful and integrated.
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