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The gas company's gas pipeline explosion killed 5 people and 89 injured

Time: 2017-07-05 View: 2846

    At 14:45 on July 4, a gas company in songyuan city exploded during repairs. As of now, five people have been killed and 89 hospitalized (14 seriously).

The accident happened in the back side of the people´s hospital of ningjiang district in songyuan city. Songyuan, officials said at 16:45pm 4, 14, and the road gas pipeline leakage was occurred in the process of repairing drainage pipeline, the gas explosion occurred in the process of repair, in the nearby city people´s hospital of medical staff and patients injured in hospital. Witness: extremely loud sound A nearby hospital were evacuated, the eent when patients in hospital, told reporters that I was ready to accept physical treatment in hospital, near the three always suddenly there was a hospital nurse came running to evacuation of people within the department. Nearby merchants told reporters that the explosion was particularly loud, and after hearing the explosion inside the house, it was assumed that someone was smashing their doors and Windows. At present, the cause of the accident is under investigation.

The letter warns that gas alarms must be installed to prevent air leakage.
