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In the Portuguese forest fire, more than 100 people have been burned for hundreds of miles

Time: 2017-06-20 View: 3250

    The number of people killed in a forest fire in central Portugal has risen to 62, while 54 others have been injured, according to Portuguese interior secretary jorge gomes. The Portuguese government has declared a state of emergency and has been holding a three-day national mourning since the 18th.

The fire took place in the central city of the city of pedro. The forest fire began around 15 a.m. local time and quickly spread to the square, causing major fires. Firefighters are still fighting in the area. Police said the fire was caused by a lightning strike and the police have found a tree that was struck by lightning.

The Chinese embassy in Portugal has been verified by the ministry of civil security of Portugal for the absence of Chinese citizens in the fire. The embassy has warned that Chinese citizens in or are planning to travel to the area are aware of the safety of personal and traffic safety.
