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Industry NewsThe London apartment fire has killed at least 12 people and is still expected to rise
Time: 2017-06-15 View: 2533A fire broke out in a 20-story apartment building in the west end of London on June 15, 2010. The fire has killed at least 12 people, according to CNN. The number is expected to rise, the police added.
A fire broke out on the 24-story apartment building in London´s west end at about 1 a.m. local time. The fire department sent more than 200 firefighters and dozens of fire and rescue vehicles to the scene. But as the fire raged, the fire spread and eventually consumed almost all of the building´s floors.
At noon local time, the fire in the lower floors of the building was under control, but there was a bright fire at the top. Black smoke billowed from the building´s facade, and there were no explosions. Although firefighters struggled to save, the rescue efforts were hampered by the fact that the faucet had reached the height of about 10 floors of the apartment building.