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Carbon monoxide alarm type and characteristics

Time: 2016-12-09 View: 3169

Semiconductor carbon monoxide alarm sensor as the sensitive element, the type of semiconductor carbon monoxide to sensitive element constant temperature at 200 ℃ or so can fast response, so will give its increase electric heating wire, so to provide a larger current, when change of temperature, humidity and wind for its accurate measurement is very bad, and is vulnerable to the cross interference of other gases, such as alcohol, such as nitrogen, hydrogen, alkanes gas interference, easy to false positives, but its low price. General service life can be up to five years.

Electrochemical carbon monoxide announciator electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor adopts zero power consumption as the sensitive element, mostly using electrochemical method of constant potential electrolysis method principle, the use of constant potential electrolysis method for REDOX electrochemical reaction, the detection can be concluded that the concentration of carbon monoxide gas diffusion current, and has a good linear measurement range and high selectivity, cross gas interference ability is very strong, the price is relatively expensive. Electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor is zero power consumption model, without heating, very suitable for the detection circuit with low power consumption, power is supplied by batteries is made of carbon monoxide concentration table, portable carbon monoxide alarm and etc. Electrochemical long exposure to carbon monoxide sensor without oxygen gas samples, excitant solvent such as alcohol, paint will affect its sensitivity and life, and even failure. Electrochemical carbon monoxide sensor used in the air, generally for three years, also has five years, a longer can reach more than eight years.
