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The thunderstorm season completes the fire prevention measures

Time: 2016-08-10 View: 2956

According to the fire department to investigate frequent thunderstorms summer is the season of high incidence of fire, the south in the thunderstorm weather, lead to huge potential safety hazard for the electrical appliances, metal clad WeiXin remind big home in time to check your home smoke detector are damaged, how how to fire safety precautions in thunderstorm season? The thunderstorm weather high incidence of accident reason mainly has:

1: the thunderstorm weather humid air, once the home electrical wiring is not strong, plus electrical return huge decoys, connect the power suddenly, current is switched on, it is easy to cause fire.

2: second, lightning can be through a variety of medium such as wire, conduction, such as reticle of line, trigger connected electrical equipment damage.

So be sure to first when thunder shut the doors and Windows, to avoid lightning "door". Electrical fire to keep the thunderstorm weather, wuxi fire hose suggest to do the following security:

First, the thunderstorm weather don´t electricity

Don´t hold fluky psychology. The easiest fire is TV, computer, etc., these electrical equipment often is also the most harmful, key "take care" once was killed by a bolt of lightning, light the fire, or an explosion, both in economic losses and casualties are enormous. Therefore, try to disconnect the cable, telephone lines, cable, and all electric equipment.

Second, the careful communication equipment

Thunderstorm weather need careful use of mobile phones, do not have a dangerous behaviour, such as phone is the best way to make hand machine was turned off. We all know that mobile phone is closest to the body, once struck by lightning, there is almost no escape probability.

Third, the use of the water heater

At present, many rural including many most of commercial housing in the city will be placed on the roof, water heater can cause fire accident in being struck by lightning, are using water heater electric shock accidents will happen, very dangerous. Although dealer claims that the water heater has the function of lightning-proof, but many experts believe manufacturers call the insulation between the inner and outer barrels Insulation nonconductive doesn´t guarantee absolutely safe, water heater also need a lot of security measures to further consolidate.
