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Company NewsWeihai fire warning the family summer fire safety
Time: 2014-06-03 View: 35633 the afternoon of May 29th, the occurrence of forest fire beautiful coastal city of Shandong in Weihai City, the fire by the wind, which makes the whole city was filled with smoke. After intense fire extinguishing work nearly two days, the fire has been extinguished, but today is a fire new generation, true it may be said signs of danger appearing everywhere. At present, most parts of the country has just entered the high temperature in summer time, the fire is to remind the general public, must pay attention to fire safety in summer.
The hot weather will significantly improve the family´s electricity consumption, such as air conditioner, refrigerator fan, household appliances are long, high load operation, very easy occurrence of electrical fire. Households can be from two aspects to reduce risk, one is the investigation on wire line home early, timely replacement of aging line, socket; two is to install smoke detectors independently at home, once there is a fire, can alarm timely.
Also a lot of people also like to go to the outskirts of the summer recreational camping, outdoors activity, must pay attention to fire safety use of electricity, such as fire, flame, after use must confirm put out before you leave, the other is not spitting discarded garbage, waste paper, packaging bags, that do not damage the environment, and reduce fuel in the forest.