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Electronic cigarette will not lead to independent smoke alarm

Time: 2014-06-03 View: 6959

In the previous article, we illustrate the smoke will not lead to the family of independent smoke alarm, and nowadays with the implementation of the smoking ban, many people choose to use the electronic cigarette to replace traditional cigarettes. Electronic cigarette will have a "smoke" is also in the pumping process, so the electronic cigarette smoke makes home independent smoke alarm?

The answer is No. The principle of electronic smoke is circuit using the characteristics of the electronic cigarette, the cigarette flavor liquid volatile out, its essence and water vapor are almost the same, and not like a traditional cigarette that produce solid particles of smoke, and the water vapor is not cause independent smoke alarm, the electronic cigarette smoke also does not make independent smoke alarm.

Independent smoke manufacturers Kai Wei letter to remind everyone, whether traditional or electronic cigarette smoke, long-term smoking can cause harm to human body. Install the independent smoke in order to fire, instead of smoking, so we still have to consider themselves from their own health, smoking cessation.
