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Industry NewsA fire alarm host can be matched with a smoke detector
Time: 2014-05-29 View: 5695A fire alarm host can take much of a smoke fire detectors or other types of? This is the fire alarm types and models of host decision. Below we to Kai Wei letter safety production technology of fire alarm host as an example, to make simple introduction for everybody.
Multi line type fire alarm host
Multi linear fire Kai Wei letter safety production technology of alarm host has three different types, respectively is CK1004, Ck1008 and CK1016, representing 4, 8, 16 loop. Multi line type fire alarm host each loop can be connected with the 25 fire detector, that is to say the three host can take 100, 200, 400.
Bus type fire alarm host
Bus type fire Kai Wei letter safety production technology of alarm host with single and multiple zone two categories. Single zone fire alarm host product models have CFT-MN/300/100, CFT-MN/300/200, CFT-MN/300/324 three, each host can take 100, 200, 324 fire detector. The multi zone fire alarm host product models have CFT-9000-2, CFT-9000-4, CFT-9000-6 three, representing 2, 4, 6 districts, each district can be matched with 324 fire detector, that is to say a host can take 648, 1296, 1944 fire detector.
From the above description is not difficult to see, bus type fire alarm host can be connected with the fire detector number from 100 to 2000, the selectivity is more, coupled with the bus system can be encoded, so the bus fire protection system has become the mainstream.