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Industry NewsSummer high temperature fire installation independent smoke to predict
Time: 2014-05-27 View: 3430Install the independent smoke detector to prevent electrical fires
The high temperature in summer will bring the whole society electricity consumption of refrigeration cooling equipment, including family, office, public places are basically started work, these devices more power, but also need to work continuously for long time, it is prone to electrical fire, so it is very necessary in independent smoke detectors installed concentration region of these devices. At the same time, the fire and the property sector to inspect the equipment line, the timely replacement of aging line.
Install the independent smoke detector to prevent spontaneous combustion
The above parts of China summer maximum temperature up to 40 degrees, can bask in the softening of old asphalt pavement, and even can cause spontaneous combustion, such as electric level, the accumulation of garbage, car etc.. This situation will be targeted prevention, focus on the electric car, car park area to install multiple independent smoke detectors, once the spontaneous combustion phenomenon, timely alarm fire.