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Smoke detector alarm after how to reset

Time: 2014-05-22 View: 12370

The smoke smoke concentration detector real-time monitoring of the surrounding environment, once the concentration exceed the standard, will send out alarm. But the smoke detector for some reason the installation environment or property, sometimes may be issued a false alarm, then how can it not sound? You need to smoke detector by a reset operation.

Independent smoke detector reset

Independent smoke detector is basically used in family and other small areas, general independent smoke detectors have a special reset button, with the "Reset" logo button. When the independent smoke detector false alarm or the fire has been extinguished, can press the reset button, you can make it not in alarm. Of course, the independent smoke detector with automatic reset function, when the smoke concentration in the environment down to safety index range, the alarm will automatically stop detector.

Network / switch smoke detector reset

Network smoke detector without a reset button, only through the automatic reset, or cut off the power supply, and then restart.

Multi line / bus smoke detector reset

Multi line and bus smoke detectors are generally and fire alarm host network, can be reset to its host. But note that, if the smoke concentration field is not reduced, even if the host is reset after completion, will continue to alarm
