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Company NewsNon coding smoke detector installation quantity calculation
Time: 2014-05-19 View: 4953Non coding smoke detector is also called multi line smoke, although with the development of technology, non coding smoke has gradually been replaced by encoding the smoke, but in some places still has its play. In the design of the installation, many users do not know what a certain area need to install multiple non coding smoke detector, the following for you to explain.
According to the code for design of automatic fire alarm system requirements, the number of installed smoke detector shall meet the following conditions: the best of not less than N=S/A.K
Type N -- detector number (only), N shall be taken as integer
S -- the exploration of our region to product (M2);
A -- detector protection area (M2);
K -- correction coefficient, special objects of protection should be 0.7-0.8; a protected object should be 0.8-0.9; two protected objects should be 0.9-1.0
Of note, the protection area of a smoke detector and its installation height and angle have great relations, calculation is simple, a non coding smoke protection area is about 40 square meters, the area of about 400 square meters will probably need to install 10 non coding smoke, in order to ensure the effect, generally need to install a quantity to exceed 10.