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Independent smoke detector series one: what is independent of smoke

Time: 2014-04-30 View: 3558

Independent smoke detector is also referred to as independent independent smoke, smoke sensor, the fire is the fire smoke detector series of a class. Why is named for its independent smoke? This is because the fire smoke detector is divided into many kinds, there is a common traditional non coding smoke detector, smoke detector and network bus type smoke detector. These three types of detectors have a common characteristic, that is can be used with other devices on the network. For example, network type smoke detector can switch quantity output signal, thus the linkage control fire shutter doors, fire facilities; non coding and multi line smoke detector can and fire alarm host, manual alarm, door and other fire fighting equipment of network, and they require an external power supply.

While the independent smoke detector itself is an alarm system for micro, with smoke and alarm device in its interior, once detected smoke concentrations exceed the standard, immediately issued a warning, do not need to control any other equipment, not also cannot command is sent to the other device, and it is composed of 9V battery powered, not connected with the power. For these reasons, so we called independent smoke detector.
