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Non coding smoke detector check test notes

Time: 2014-04-30 View: 3887

Non coding smoke detectors to check to clean it after using a period of time, while using the smoker to test its performance. In process inspection and testing should be recorded as follows.

To do a good job of detector test records first. Because of the use of non coding smoke detector place area is compared commonly big, detector use quantity is more, so after each test after a smoke detector, to smoke the address record, prevent repeated test.

Secondly, to keep good records of test sensitivity detector. Be slow in the use of pipe smoke, reaction time on non coding smoke each of the tested detector alarm recording, so that it can be more intuitive response of the detector dust adhesion, there are multiple records, the overall analysis, basically can know the fire alarm system, detector need not to need cleaning.

Finally, check whether the network of non coding smoke detector and fire alarm among a host of problems, avoid false alarm condition.
