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Independent smoke detector users can own cleaning it

Time: 2014-04-29 View: 3669

Independent smoke detector is cheap, convenient installation, deeply user welcome home. The detector in the use of time, there will be a lot of dust attached, affect the sensitivity of the detector, then the ratio needs to clean it, but do not suggest to the user for cleaning.

The country has the relevant provisions of "the use of a smoke detector unit or individual shall not clean, smoke detectors, why should entrust unit cleaning" smoke detector cleaning qualification of such provisions, mainly by the following reasons:

Cleaning the anti-static work not good control.

The ultrasonic cleaning with deionized water quality can not be guaranteed, does not have the water conditions.

Does not have the dehydration, aging, drying conditions.

After cleaning the smoke detector threshold cannot be calibrated, cannot judge whether meet the conditions of use.

Therefore, users are advised not to have to wash house independent smoke detector, should look for a professional qualification for cleaning, so as to ensure the cleaning effect and after cleaning the performance of the detector is not affected.
